_:vb1436650 . _:vb1436921 . "Use of eddy current brakes"@en . . "2020-08-24"^^ . "2022-09-06"^^ . _:vb1436921 _:vb1436913 . _:vb1436650 . . _:vb1436650 _:vb1436921 . "true"^^ . "ILR_EddyCurrentBrakes" . . _:vb1436913 . "" . _:vb1436913 . "" . . "Indication of limitations on the use of eddy current brakes. The allowed values for this property belong to the SKOS Concept Scheme http://data.europa.eu/949/concepts/eddy-current-braking/EddyCurrentBraking\nThis property has been modified to be a RINF parameter (its eratvIndex is deleted). It is treated as a SKOS by RINF and as a boolean by ERATV. A new ERATV datatype property has been defined, eddyCurrentBrakingFitted with boolean values.\nIn https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg_impl/2019/773/oj 3.4.5 Permissibility to use Eddy-current brake."@en . . "stable" . . "3.4.5" .